Thursday, 27 March 2008

Canvassing begins

I've now done 2 early evening canvasses in 2 separate villages. And the first thoughts are roll on warmer weather and summertime.

The first evening we canvassed from 6 -8 pm, later than the others would have wished (but I had to fit in my granddaughters swimming lesson first!). By the time we finished I was freezing cold, it was dark, you couldn't see to write and anyway it was almost too cold to hold the pencil. Straight after the canvass we went round to a local Councillor's home to have our first formal meeting of the campaign committee.

And this was where the evening really came unstuck. In my haste to park up my new car I failed to see a low stone wall in the darkness. Result - one scraped bumper which will need the attentions of our local paint shop. I don't know if the others noticed during the meeting but I'm sure my concentration wasn't at it's normal level as at that stage I didn't know how bad the damage might be.

Anyway the team seemed to think that everything was more or less on track so - so far so good. But by the time I got home it was past ten and I didn't really feel like food at this time so another missed meal.

The next day (Wed) started with me getting quotes for the repair to the car (oh and sorting out my annual house and contents renewal) which wasn't as damaging to my credit card as I thought it might be. Then I had to pop into the campaign office to see the draft of my 1st campaign leaflet which is now at the printers. The canvass cards are delivered about 450 and then its a quick dash to the village where we are canvassing from 5 - 7 - which is a much better time as although its still very cold we finish in the light and I can get home at a civilized hour to have dinner with my wife.

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